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Friday, September 12, 2008

Thirsty Series (Murdering Drink)

Wow! The lesson tonight was great although I felt it was hard to convey to everyone. I found myself feeling flustered a couple of times because it sometimes feel that people have more of an affinity to their religion than to their faith. It's something to think about that you can actually drink something from your mind that will destroy the possiblities of you growing in your dreams and visions. Pain, suffering, hurt, doubt to name a few can all be the culprit. But you can pour spirit into your dream. The reference from Corinthians tonight was the foundation for the lesson...letter kills but spirit giveth life. Visiting the land of nothingness can actually be a great way to to paint on a clean canvas. This class isn't for the faint of heart but at the same time is. It gives you the strength to deal and be you. This series will go on for 5 weeks well, 4 now. Any callers that were on the call what do you think?
Conference Host

1 comment:

shellshocked said...

Tonights lesson was so full and spoke to me in so many ways. Tonight's foundation scripture the letter killeth but the Spirit gives life... was so powerful to me because much of the time I focused on the letter or getting the Spirit that I didn't take the time to live the life that the Spirit gives. Also visiting Nothingness, was so powerful and not something that is taught. There aren't many books on nothingness but being ok with having a time to regroup, clean out and take inventory of some of the things that have hindered me from living my dreams. or just a time to be me and be ok was so freeing. It just showed me how to relax and release anxiety. I got it!