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Monday, October 13, 2008

Preparing myself for the doings of this week and most surprisingly shocked that I'm sleepy this early. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mountain Spring Fresh (the benefits after the drink)

I thought to put in a picture of drinking fresh water but I think you get the picture without me putting it in right? hee hee

Tonight's class was simply amazing. What class? The one that happens every single friday at 8:30 pm. Where? Where ever you are so just call 712.775.7100 access code 653456#

I don't really know how to write about tonight although I'm writing a blog! How can I express the last step in the 5 steps in the Thirst Series. Not often when your in a class do you actually experience the teaching of the class right in the class and oh boy did that happen tonight for us all. See, walking inward is something that we each do and then share what we see while going into ourselves. That transparency makes and enables all of us to transform together leaving no one behind. I know you say you still haven't told me what it was about?!? Okay enough stalling...

Putting myself and listeners between Solomon and James' words provided direction for our journey. The question posed was
Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. Solomon gives the walls for the questions that form our foundation--The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

So what does fresh really mean? Do you not realize you can still have fresh even if its the same thing? For example just be/ you've eaten bread before does it mean the next time you buy it it won't be fresh? You've just never tasted that loaf before so you've not met it's acquaintance. Fresh is newly met, green, inexperienced, vigor, and youthful. It's not preserved by freezing, canning, pickling, salting, drying, etc...Being in the moment is a powerful willful act. It allows you to embrace all that you have room for from the source that is giving it. You pick up the speed of it from the one supplying it. Some things can actually be done w/out thought. Out of your mind if you will. This is faith. Out of your mind meaning above and beyond you but bearing witness to the greater you. That which enables you to live what you see. That which calls you to the question of self. You are not living until you begin to question yourself after seeing something bigger than you. Your crossroad is your rite of passage. Will you stay or go? You can't do both NOT YOU! Stable walking in the mountains require that you leave the meandering for the leveled places there w/ the leveled places. The leaner you are the easier it is to live in high altitudes. Lean not just in physical size but in what you carry on your back. How many know that slim people carry a lot of weight too :)

The fountain is what holds our resevoir of freshness. It is from this place you pull to continue developing not an outside source for approval or denial. Your fountain's level is your thumbs up or down. How filled or low it is should be your gage for continuing or going back in for reviving. Not what your friends say or think. Practicing the new will deactivate the old. So don't let your mind keeping mulling over what isn't happening. Go on to what works and it will cancel out many of the anti-visions your sabatourer will give you to keep you home with him or her. Well, I've got to get ready to go but a few benefits of drinking from that which is fresh is what I'd like to leave you with;
  1. You will be clear to see.
  2. You will regain your thirst for living and more readily detect counterfeit.
  3. You will realize you are worth the research!

If the above seems familiar to you but you can't quite get it feel free to contact us for coaching. We'd love to provide further tools to bring you to fruition. I'll talk to you soon...712.775.7100 access code 653456# friday's @8:30 pm.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thirsty Series Pt 4 Tap (Mediocrity)

So then because thou art lukewarm (having or showing little ardor (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion), zeal, or enthusiasm; indifferent: lukewarm applause), and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my

Tap- –noun
water, obtained directly from a faucet or tap, that has not been purified, distilled, or otherwise treated.

Mediocrity- adj. of ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad, barely adequate. 2. rather poor or inferior synonym. average

Are you close to the portal of abundance? If not, can you at least see it? Have you gone through the door of abundance? Many christians speak of abundance but how many actually have it...What is life and that more abundantly? Can you define it?

Now don’t get me wrong we will often have to live through plateau’s in life. All things will not be mountainous and high all of the time as in results and effects but continued average isn’t something you should settle for. Some times when your life has lost it’s luster and mediocrity has crept in unbeknown to you, some signs will be
silliness will replace joy
folly replaces pure enjoyment that has no pun intended- in other words finding happiness in finding what’s wrong. You become a nick picker and out of place catcher and not for the purpose of lovingly covering someone but for the pleasure of exposing them.
Not finishing what you start and not seeing the point in doing so. (a lot of time the root cause will be just a mere switch in emotion or mood)
bail out narratives (excuses and pseudo-reasons for dropping out)
laziness will become the doing of choice.

Plateau living is where we:
  1. Become acquainted with the true us
  2. Learn to practice tenacity and endurance
  3. learn to master life and not just subjects. Learning to live while doing what we do. Instead of doing what we do and defining our lives by it.

The question and answer period of this call was phenomenal and from it a book/journal, workshop was accepted as the next project for yours truly. I look forward to this hear this lesson in it's entirety go to and order this series in CD or MP3 format.

Thirsty Series Pt 3 Salt water (over seasoned or heavy on the addictive)

Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.

Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Salt- a crystalline compound, sodium chloride, NaCl, occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc., and used for seasoning food, as a preservative. an element that gives liveliness, piquancy pee-kahnt , or pungency(sharply effecting the organs of taste and smell as if by a penetrating power, acutely distressing to the feelings or mind;
Anecdotes are the salt of his narrative. wit.
to introduce rich ore or other valuable matter fraudulently into (a mine, the ground, a mineral sample, etc.) to create a false impression of value.

What have you lived absent of but gave the impression it was there all the time? It's time to take your life back and harness all the energy and use it towards what you really want to be and most likely are destined to be in this world!

Additives- (noun) something that is added, as one substance to another, to alter or improve the general quality or to counteract undesirable properties: an additive that thins paint.
As it relates to food--a substance added directly to food during processing, as for preservation, coloring, or stabilization.

Points I’d like to leave you with;

  • remove but allow (after seeing what may need to be adjusted give yourself room to see what was sitting under it. For example if after dealing with nervousness there very well could be a great drive for developing your next dream or hope lying underneath. Practice letting. There are some great qualities in you so going to find other things to put in may not always be in your best interest.
  • replace but discern (take time to check it out. You slow down enough to get what should be there)
  • remember but let go (honor the memory by living now as oppose to staying with the thought and getting locked in) how can I honor my ancestors while moving forward? By developing from their pains and suffering a get up and go in all that I envision for myself.

Note- I enjoyed this class tonight. It was wonderful being with you all. Come join us and every friday @8:30 pm 712.775.7100 access code 653456#

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thirsty Series Pt.2 Poison (system alert)

Tonight's tele-class was both mind moving and liberating for me to teach. It allowed me to voice but yet be without the paralyzing effect of not being ... Okay for those who weren't on the call I know your probably wondering, "What is she talking about?" Poison is any substance that either quickly or over time (waiting for the immune system to weaken) can kill and impair your health. There are certain decisions we make without our total selves that produce to above mention in our life. I used the example of a person being deserted on an island with no shade or H2O, who begins to experience mirages then having thoughts of drinking the ocean water. Desperation can cause you to take the description off of what is in front of you and just tell you to take it although you know it will cause you harm. Many of us live our lives using 1/3 of self (intellect) to run the complete ship when soul and spirit are apart of the human experience as well. For something to be poison it doesn't always have to show itself in one full drink it can be a slow leak...for example...we have dreams but doubt trails along for the ride, we have hope but doubt gets a chance to guide us often, in other words we actually carry our own carcinogens and toxins that will degrade our quality of existence. I'm writing this excerpt of the class in red because I truly believe as the human race we need to be alerted to what has infected us. We don't love as we know too, we don't do as we know to, we just sit and know to...who is that affecting? Many have talents and great vision but are holding it in an overly populated area of the same kind. I ask the question tonight...where is your supply taking you...where is there a need for what the universe has given you by sheer birthright? Don't let idleness, easy quick decisions that require no contemplation, thoughts not reviewed for source origin, poison you from being who you truly are! Is there something in you that's thirsty to live? I believe it is...if your reading this I'll say this too you...don't let anything degrade you, don't let anything stop you from fulfilling what your gut instinct is telling you to accomplish for the greater good of man kind. To me this is true life. Let me know what you think... (to hear the complete lesson in it's entirety go to (Join me on my next call...when?...every friday @8:30 pm 712.775.7100 access code 653456#
Happy living and good health

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thirsty Series (Murdering Drink)

Wow! The lesson tonight was great although I felt it was hard to convey to everyone. I found myself feeling flustered a couple of times because it sometimes feel that people have more of an affinity to their religion than to their faith. It's something to think about that you can actually drink something from your mind that will destroy the possiblities of you growing in your dreams and visions. Pain, suffering, hurt, doubt to name a few can all be the culprit. But you can pour spirit into your dream. The reference from Corinthians tonight was the foundation for the lesson...letter kills but spirit giveth life. Visiting the land of nothingness can actually be a great way to to paint on a clean canvas. This class isn't for the faint of heart but at the same time is. It gives you the strength to deal and be you. This series will go on for 5 weeks well, 4 now. Any callers that were on the call what do you think?
Conference Host

Stop and Pray it's was just yesterday 9/11

Please all of you religious leaders stop for a minute and stand in the gap for those who can no longer speak for themselves due to their hearts being so filled with pain and grief. There is an emotion that can paralyze our language. Due to gimics and words that lack etymological root we have become weak, it gives way to great truths being watered down which then allows colloquial jestering about things that in itself have great meaning. For example; many don't know what standing in the gap's not for cars and homes and material things but it actually means to replace what can't be present with presence so great life flows through it as a surrogate. So today I ask you to do just that. Stop your minds from wanting and needing and move into a place of true intercession for those who can not speak a word for themselves. Offer your heart as a conduit of love and support. You never know who you can touch today. How can I do this Prophetess? Speak to someone you don't know. Offer love to someone your not use too. Reach out and be available for someone through a charity. Give your time. Give your money. You'd be surprise how many things may work out for you if you just choose to love authentically! They need you today...will you be available?
Pass this along!
Prophetess Jesue Walker

Love for 9/11

Let us not forget. Let us not be callous. Let us not move on because the cameras are no longer around. Let us not talk as if we can't take a moment of silience to honor our families who didn't return home. I ask you to give of yourself in some way today to honor those who gave their lives so willingly. Thank you fireman and thank you fireman's wife for your sacrifice Thank you officer and thank you officer's wife for your sacrifice Thank you fighters on the plane and thank you husbands and wives of them for your sacrifice. Words could never express my appreciation. Live your legacy survivors, live your legacy better halves, live your legacy children of the slain...tell your story we still want to hear it. I ask G-d to move back depression so the souls can speak. Liberation comes with great suffering. I pray you stand and be counted in whatever way your dreams are leading you.If you love those that sacrificed their lives on this day and those who are now living w/out those sacrifices send this message until it reaches all those touched by 9-11.

With Love,
Prophetess Jesue Walker

September 11th What did you do?

A special message 9/11! Please pass on! (This is a bulletin I posted on myspace)

Usually when a date such as this comes around we often talk about those that are gone and rightly so but I"d like to celebrate the living today and pray strength and courage into your lives. I thank you for staying strong and not giving up and keeping the memory of those brave innocent souls that life asked to come a different way. They are all still with us just in a different way. May Angels surround you this day. With love I honor and salute you. I ask that G-d will heal and give you the hope to walk through this life with courage and vigor. Know that it wasn't your fault and I pray blessings to continue your family. May you find your way and may this day remember you!

Prophetess Jesue"You are loved!"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Where Do We Go from Here?

I would first like to thank all of my Friday night teleclass listeners...we just finished a series called 6 Steps to Deciding in Fear and the effects of doing so. For me there was a big exhale after ending the call. I couldn't help but ponder where I am right now in this moment. Through teaching this series I was able to take a look at where I've ended up. Not a glance but an actual look. The last comment came from a first time caller (which I think was the coolest--ending the session with a first time caller) and he sumed up my viewing with these words "The Universe is a reflection of who we are." So I offer this space to ask yourself this question--Where do we go from here? What is the law of reciprocity revealing about your inner nature? What have you gained from your experiences in life or are you still fighting them so much your not able to let them be your schoolmaster? Who's stories masking as yours are you telling to those who's life you share and new souls you meet?
Tonight I talked about harnassing your energy leaks and using those spilled resources on yourself...what do you think can be achieved now that wasn't available before? Or what can be realized that couldn't be seen before? Right now I'm just filled with observation. It's cool to just look from a place of no judgment from my place of awareness.
The 6 steps to Deciding in Fear and the Effects of Doing so were;
  1. Self hate (self-denial)
  2. Denial of self interest (image food)
  3. Ambivalent lifestyle (the unconsciousness of the soul)
  4. Perfectionism (image control)
  5. Masking truth (dis-ease of being right)
  6. Addiction to lack of knowledge (conformity)

Where can you go w/ in these 6 areas to discover levels of yourself? Before I go I'd just like to say, while living each of these areas in my own life I learned that they were all required for my life's software package. In other words I lived with them and through them in order to becoming the greater awareness inside. If I wouldn't of experienced self hate I wouldn't have embraced loving myself, if I wouldn't have denied my self-interest I wouldn't have found how I truly want to show up in this world through living my passion. If not Ambivalent in my lifestyle I wouldn't have found what I really wanted to decide and how to stand by it and see it through. If I didn't try to be perfect I wouldn't have learned my weaknesses (breaking points) and strengths and both their ability to help me by teaching and guiding. Without masking truth I wouldn't have become ripe. Lastly, without visiting the addiction of lack of knowledge I wouldn't have found out what I didn't know which gave room for the expansion of my mind both naturally and spiritually. I'd love to hear your take on this...feel free to leave a comment.

G-d Bless and Love forever ;)