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Friday, September 12, 2008

Love for 9/11

Let us not forget. Let us not be callous. Let us not move on because the cameras are no longer around. Let us not talk as if we can't take a moment of silience to honor our families who didn't return home. I ask you to give of yourself in some way today to honor those who gave their lives so willingly. Thank you fireman and thank you fireman's wife for your sacrifice Thank you officer and thank you officer's wife for your sacrifice Thank you fighters on the plane and thank you husbands and wives of them for your sacrifice. Words could never express my appreciation. Live your legacy survivors, live your legacy better halves, live your legacy children of the slain...tell your story we still want to hear it. I ask G-d to move back depression so the souls can speak. Liberation comes with great suffering. I pray you stand and be counted in whatever way your dreams are leading you.If you love those that sacrificed their lives on this day and those who are now living w/out those sacrifices send this message until it reaches all those touched by 9-11.

With Love,
Prophetess Jesue Walker

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